Schoelerman Suffolks & Downs
Schoelerman Suffolks & Downs

Our Story
Schoelerman's Babydoll House began in the spring of 2011. Our young daughters, Adalyn & Maggie, began their flock by purchasing 4 Babydoll ewes from Jody Fuller. Cinnamon, Sugar, Chloe and Zoe are the ewes upon which the flock is built. We are currently raising our 4th lamb crop of Babydolls and have a waiting list for ewe lambs.  The Babydolls are registered with the North American Babydoll Southdown Sheep Association and Registry.

schoelerman suffolks and downs

Our Foundation Ewes



Current Sires


schoelerman babydoll southdowns

"Double Fudge" Fuller 0991, RR



Brood Ewes


schoelerman suffolks and downs
Double Fudge x Zoe

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Jim & Denice Schoelerman - Ty, Zach, Adalyn & Maggie
3685 140th Avenue - Everly, Iowa 51338
Home: 712-834-2621 Jim Cell: 712-260-5739
Denice Cell: 712-260-5741 - Email:

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